25 March, 2008

Not That Kind Of Peepshow

Try to be a glass-is-not-only-half-empty-but-also-has-lipstick-stains- on-it guy while looking at this.

(Number 5 = definite favourite, followed closely by numbers 13, 23 and 33.)


His Whoreness said...

is this safe for work? The adapter for my laptop has gone kerphutt and it will take me a few days to get a new one and the battery charged up enough to even wake up from its digital slumber.

Your Host said...

Definitely SFW.

His Whoreness said...

Yeah, I just don't get the whole peeps thing - it's up there with lolcats and faledogs, albeit potentially more sad and depressing given the amount of effort that no doubt goes into peeps dioramas

God that sounds just like something my Dad would say *shivers*