15 March, 2008

Row Your Boat, Gently Down The Stinking Yarra

I've got to wake up in about 6 hours to go rowing. What's that now?

There I was a few hours ago, out and enjoying a nice drink or 4, when I get a call from Lucy (already drunk): she'd just remembered that she was teaching a 'learn to row' class in the morning and had forgotten to find someone to fill the last seat, and would I please get to the boatshed by 8am?

A bit tipsy, I agreed.

8 rollies and a bowl of noodles later, this is sounding like a god-awful idea.

Wish me sea legs.

*** UPDATE ***

Did not fall in, which is not any kind of achievement at all.

Was also, in my own not-at-all humble opinion, one of the best rowers of the four. But given that the other three had only been out in a boat twice before, and I rowed for about three years, this is also not any kind of achievement.


Went out again today, was haunted by the ghosts of calluses past.
We Will Forever Be A Part Of You

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